
How many Negative Keywords is enough?

Negative keywords Rule

Unlock the hidden potential of negative keywords and revolutionize your Google Ads campaigns. Did you know that each campaign can accommodate up to 110,000 negative keywords? Yes, it’s true! Utilize the power of strategic exclusion and increase precision targeting to boost ROI. Don’t neglect the importance of knowing who not to target. With 110,000 negative keywords at your disposal, the potential for success is unprecedented. A case study shows a 22% drop in irrelevant clicks, 15% jump in click-through rates, 18% decrease in cost per acquisition, and 12% increase in conversion rates. Want to learn how to achieve these results? Dive in and transform your advertising strategy.

How many Negative Keywords is enough? Read More »

Laying a Solid Foundation: Why Big Corporates are the Launchpad for a Stellar Sales Career

Embark on a rewarding sales career by starting in the structured corridors of big corporates. Learn from seasoned professionals, embrace established processes, and build a robust foundation. As you transition to startups, your well-honed skills become your arsenal in navigating the agile and innovative realms. Discover why big corporates are the springboard for a thriving sales career.

Laying a Solid Foundation: Why Big Corporates are the Launchpad for a Stellar Sales Career Read More »